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Investigation of the effect potassium and zinc sulfate levels on quality and quantity yield Admiral F-1 HYB variety onion (Allium cepa cv. Admiral F-1 HYB)

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Morteza Salari Mehmeni* and Ahmad Ahmadpour

To investigation the effect of zinc and potassium sulphate fertilizers on on quality and quantity yield of onion variety Admiral figure F-1 in the second layout Jiroft in year crop cultivation 2015 experiment of factorial randomized complete block design was carried out, Where the effect of zinc sulfate fertilizer as a factor A in 4 levels (zero, 20, 30 and 40 kg/ha) and potassium sulfate as a factor B in 4 levels (zero, 50, 100 and 150 kg /ha) . To increase in the soil to the plant was considered in 2 phases. Fertilizers such as nitrogen and phosphorus and other nutrients to plants based on soil test was used. The results showed that the interaction between potassium and zinc sulfate on most of the traits were significant at the 1% level of statistical probability. of potassium sulfate 150 kg/ha and zinc sulfate 30 kg / hectare, the highest rates were observed in the traits of the species in the treated plant height (90/56 cm), weight bulb (162.62 g ), shoot dry weight (72.12 mg), TSS (13.36 ° Brix) and yield (65052.24 kg per hectare) Maximum size compared to other treatments. And even the application of potassium sulphate 40 kg/ha and 150 kg/ha was also at a higher level. Control treatment had the lowest rate of traits.

A Multistep Broyden’s-Type Method for Solving System of Nonlinear Equations

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M.Y.Waziri*, M.A. Aliyu and A.Wakili

The paper proposes an approach to improve the performance of Broyden’s method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. In this work, we consider the information from two preceding iterates rather than a single preceding iterate to update the Broyden’s matrix that will provide sufficient information in approximating of the Jacobian matrix in each iteration. Under some suitable assumption, the convergence analysis is established. The numerical results verify that the proposed method has clearly enhanced the numerical performance of Broyden’s Method.


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Daminova D.B.

This article contains the material data on Miridae-bugs of cotton-alfalfa biocoenosis species composition, types of Adelphocoris and Lygus orders which assume great importance as cotton pests nowadays. This article also contains the data on their biological characteristics development, population dynamics and factors contributing to their expansion and development on the cotton-plant.

The Relationships between Individual Differences (Aptitude, Motivation, and Level of Proficiency) and Iranian EFL learners' Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use: A Think-aloud Protocol Study

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Masoud Allahyari

In the sphere of second language learning, vocabulary is an indispensable part of the four language skills. This way, the specific purpose of the present study was to examine the relationships between individual differences (aptitude, motivation, and level of proficiency) and Iranian EFL learners' utilization of vocabulary learning strategies. In this regard, after two exclusion phases, 58 participants were selected. The main data collection instruments were: a) Vocabulary Level Test, b) Motivation Questionnaire, c) Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire, d) Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery (PLAB), and d) think-aloud protocol. This way, the present study was correlational in nature with a mixedmethods perspective. The results of descriptive and inferential statistics showed that Iranian EFL learners' levels of aptitude, motivation, and proficiency can predict their utilization of a number of strategies. The data obtained from think-aloud protocol substantiated the findings. Moreover, the data showed that participants tend to create context for themselves via the input they received from media.

Study of Components between mental health and migraine headaches in patients with MS

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Afsaneh Badrizadeh*, Mahin Adeli, Parviz Bahrami and Sara Gholami

Introdaction :Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common neurological diseases and disorders in humans that causes symptoms including limb weakness, signs of visual, sensory symptoms, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, depression and cognitive dysfunction .anxiety and depression main Mental Disorders in these people are and migraine headaches have been reported in these patients is twice the general population. Materials & Methods: This study aimed to determine the mental health components and migraine headaches in patients with multiple sclerosis this research is cross- sectional that population included all patients with multiple sclerosis in Khorramabad city was built in 92 years to buy and sell collect data, demographic and mental health (GHQ). Results : results showed that 74/2% of cases and 25.8% of mental health problems good mental health. is a significant difference between the ability to fund the treatment of migraine headaches and general mental health was in 40/7% have migraine headaches was observed that the number of 58/8 %of them were migraine headache after contracting the disease MS.Conclusion: Due to the prevalence of high correlation with mental health migraine headaches and more accurate clinical assessment of patients and headache in patients with MS seem required.